
Higashimae Site

Address Shitoro-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi
Time Jomon to Muromachi period
The Higashimae site is a settlement site dating to the Jomon to Muromachi periods.
Excavations were conducted at the site in 2006. Many potteries belonging to various periods from as early as the early Jomon period were found. Examples of the pottery types are the Yayoi pottery, haji ware, sue ware, ash glaze pottery, and yamachawan (stoneware used as food bowl).
It is thought that a swamp around the site was used as a place to hold ritual ceremonies, considering that many ritual implements were unearthed. Such artifacts recovered include the followings: wooden swords from the Yayoi periods, bronze willow-leaf-shaped arrowheads, wooden farming tools, and construction materials from the Kofun period, mokkan (wood strips used for writing), pottery with ink writing, and salt-making pottery from the Nara period, and wooden figures from the Heian period.

